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The Relaunch

Publisher’s Corner – Millicent E. Walker

Welcome to the relaunch of the family newsletter,

Heirousalem Communications!

It was almost three decades ago that the Reverend Jesse H. Walker, Uncle Jesse to me, published and shared the first issue. I was pleasantly surprised that so much love could arrive in my mailbox. His tribute to Robert and Helen Walker, my Uncle Bill and Aunt Helen, brought forth fond memories of them opening their home to me and my siblings when we visited Birmingham each summer during our youth. Even though we were in the care of our maternal grandparents on Brummitt Heights, our visits to their home at Walker Farm were the best times of those summers. Being so close to Big Mama’s house we were able to get to know and love our paternal grandparents, our other aunts and uncles and our many first cousins.

In November 1990 having spent so little time with my extended family over the previous 20 years, I was excited to read about Uncle Jesse’s idea for a family reunion. The first was held in Birmingham in 1992. And the tradition continues to this day.

Following the banquet at the family reunion in DC in 1995, while Uncle Bill and Uncle Jesse were passing by me, I overheard a snippet of a conversation they were having. Uncle Bill asked Uncle Jesse when he was going to let his own light shine. You see, Uncle Jesse was always lifting others up and putting them in the spotlight. They were out of earshot when Uncle Jesse made his response. I was tempted to make a response of my own. But, even though I was 39 years old I knew not to insert myself into grown folks’ (Uncle Bill’s) conversations. I’ll say now what I wanted to say then – Uncle Jesse’s light shone from Bear, Delaware to Atlanta, Georgia that day in November 1990 when I received the first issue of Heirousalem Communications. It was still shining when we had our first reunion. It was still shining that day in DC.

It continues to shine to this day. Rest in Power Uncle Jesse. I love you.

And I love you all, Millicent

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