It is hard to imagine that it has been more than a quarter of a century since the first edition of Heirousalem Communications was printed. Our first edition was issued in November 1990. I can remember all the care that Jesse took in preparing this document that he hoped would be the first of an effort that would continue for a long time. The purpose of this publication was to keep family members informed of the events which occurred in the lives of all the family.
So much has happened in the world and in our lives since that time. Children have grown up and become parents, parents have become grandparents and the generations keep on coming.
Technology has advanced so much since that time and now we can communicate more often, faster and even more intimately. We have Skype, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and so many
other ways to communicate.
One of Jesse’s favorite events was the Family Reunion. He looked forward to it and shortly before his death in May 1998, he reached out to his nephew, Maurice, who was hosting the reunion in Las Vegas in 1999 to inquire about how the reunion preparations were coming along. I am sure that he is happy that these gatherings of family are still taking place and if you stop and think about it, I am sure that you can feel his spirit there with you. Some of you may recall that at the reunion that was held there in 1993 at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, Jesse was the banquet speaker. In his speech he stressed that after God, family is our most precious relationship. We should always love and support each other.
I am so happy that Heirousalem Communications is being revived. And I know that Jesse is smiling down on the family and flashing that big grin as he always did when he was happy, which was just about all the time.
-Aunt Charlotte Walker